This book came from quickly increasing production pressure from aircraft manufacturers as well as maintenance challenge from aircraft operators in recent years. While constant efforts were made on manufacturing and maintenance stage, design improvement could be a more effective solution which could significantly increase product productivity and reduce life-cycle cost in the same time. Thus, the purpose of this book is to propose an integrated approach to optimize system installation designs in civil aircraft taking the consideration of both manufacturability and maintainability.
SUN XIN is an expertise of system engineering and project management in the Department of Specialty Engineering at COMAC Shanghai Aircraft Design and Research Institute (SADRI). He received a M.S. in Aerospace Vehicle Design from the Cranfield University of UK. With around 15 years' working experience within aerospace industry, he is particularly specialized in engineering practice and applications on related aspects of safety, reliability, maintainability, supportability (RMSS) and system engineering integration, project management for complicated system development. He has lead designers from various departments to handle all kinds of design dilemmas in the projects, and has been prized number of individual awards and science and technology achievement awards due to his outstanding outcome.