Full color and black and white images throughout. Historical study covers the service in the Asia-Pacific region of the U.S. Seventh Fleet during the 20th and 21st centuries. The Fleet saw combat in nearly every major battle of World War II in the Pacific as well as in the Cold War conflicts in Korea and Vietnam. Today the Fleet acts as a deterrence to aggressor nations in the region, provides humanitarian relief in times of disaster, participates in joint and combined exercises, and conducts counter-terrorism and anti-pirate operations.
Edward J. Marolda is the senior historian and chief of the Histories and Archives Division at the Naval Historical Center (NHC) in Washington, D.C. He holds a Ph.D. from George Washington University. Dr. Marolda oversaw preparation of the NHC's Korean War commemorative series, initially produced as booklets and now published in book form by the Naval Institute Press with the center's cooperation. Project contributors include Thomas B. Buell, Joseph H. Alexander, Bernard C. Nalty, Richard C. Knott, and Malcolm Muir Jr., with additional essays for this book by Thomas J. Cutler and Curtis A. Utz.