An interdisciplinary panel of pioneers and opinion leaders review the basic, preclinical, clinical, and developmental pathways to new treatment strategies, such as therapeutic angiogenesis and myogenesis. The authors take advantage of new biological understanding, novel therapeutic targets, multiple available and well-studied therapeutic strategies, and the necessary imaging techniques to measure outcomes. Their in-depth discussions cover the identification of new therapeutic targets and pathways, the investigation of transcriptional factors, master switch molecules, cell-based approaches, chemokines, a better understanding of the effects of aging, endothelial dysfunction, and hypercholesterolemia in response to angiogenic stimuli. Highlights include examination of drug delivery problems, outcomes measure, stem therapy, high-risk interventions, development pathways, and future possibilities.
No-Option Patients.- Transcriptional Regulation of Angiogenesis.- Preclinical Models and Experience to Date.- The Coronary Microcirculation and Angiogenesis.- Local and Regional Vascular Delivery Strategies for Therapeutic Angiogenesis and Myogenesis.- Imaging Angiogenesis.- Myocardial Angiogenesis.- Gene Therapy for Angiogenesis in the Treatment of Cardiovascular and Peripheral Arterial Disease.- Therapeutic Angiogenesis in Peripheral Arterial Disease.- Bone Marrow Cell Transplantation for Myocardial Regeneration and Therapeutic Angiogenesis.- Transplantation of Embryonic Stem Cells for Myocardial Regeneration and Angiogenesis.- Skeletal Myoblast Transplantation for Cardiac Repair.- Transmyocardial Laser Revascularization.