The world of postgraduate medical education is changing, andeducational supervisors need the knowledge and skills to be able todo their job effectively. Many of those who want to do this jobwell feel unprepared for the task.
Essential Guide to Educational Supervision is a handbookfor educational supervisors everywhere. The topics covered aregeneric to medical education, whatever the specialty. Although thefocus is on postgraduate medical education, many of the topics inthis book are also applicable to undergraduates.
Essential Guide to Educational Supervision is writtenfor:
* * Consultants and General Practitioners who work withtrainees
* Educational supervisors
* People who organise postgraduate training programmes
Written by experts in their field, each chapter gives anoverview of key topics in educational supervision with referencesand further resources. The book provides evidence and theory whenapplicable, but is deliberately practical, with case studies andtips for good practice as well.