In today¿s educational space, no student who struggles with reading should be denied a fair and equal education just because teachers are not trained to understand the implications of dyslexia. Failing to learn to read is not failing to learn. It merely means that the orthodox methods of whole-language reading instruction have not favored those students who need specific multisensory instruction.
In Narratives from Mothers of Children with Dyslexia: Our Stories for Educators, mothers share personal stories of pain in navigating educational spaces for the success of their sons and daughters who are dyslexic. Despite resistance from within the PreK¿12 academy, these mothers have become warriors for education.
The narratives in this text are global ones, from Singapore, India, Kenya, Spain, Great Britain, and the United States, and are in local "dialect." The mothers use a variety of terms to describe their experiences, but the differences in language only prove that the language of experience is universal; we can understand everyone, even if they use different terms or names. We understand what they have learned through the challenges and struggles of serving as the backbone of their child¿s education. We can easily translate that experience into the global, universal expression of a parent¿s love for their child.
Shawn Anthony Robinson is a Senior Research Associate at Wisconsin¿s Equity and Inclusion Laboratory at the University of Wisconsin-Madison and a board member of the International Dyslexia Association. Robinson graduated from the University of Wisconsin Oshkosh (UWO) with a Bachelor¿s of Science, a Master¿s in Education from DePaul University, and a PhD in Language and Literacy from Cardinal Stritch University. He is a recipient of the 2017 Alumni Achievement Award/New Trier High School Alumni Hall of Honor.
Rick Smith/Foreword - Acknowledgments - Shawn Anthony Robinson: Introduction: Mothers of Children with Dyslexia: Their Voices - Paula Juelich: "When Is the Self-Hatred Going to End?" - Alicia Tan: The Patient Race and Small Victories - Christina Reynoso: From Guilt to Hope: A Mother's Journey - Deborah Hewes: Moving to Singapore and the Challenges of Transition - Krissy Seeley: Bittersweet Findings - Rei Wang: Raising Dyslexic Children with Resiliency - Candice Hansen: On the Bubble - Rashmi Wankhede: No Perfect Journeys-We Can Only Make Them Happy - Debra Lafler: "The 6-Year Wait" - Montserrat Garcia: Mario's Journey: How My Son's Dyslexia Led to a Game-Changing Breakthrough in Spain - Kara M. Gonsowski: Mother's Intuition - Phyllis Wamucii Munyi-Kariuki/Nancy Muringo Munyi: He Is a Different Learner, Not Slow Learner - Shanthi Chandrasekhar: Failure Turned into an Inspiring Entrepreneur - Alissa Birkenholtz: Educating the Educator: A Journey through Dyslexia in the Private School Sector - Lakshmipriya Somasundaram: Fighting Dyslexia by Building Circles of Support - Michelle Myers-Glower: A Star Is Born - Teri Wegner/Tonya Hameister: Postscript: I Don't Have Any Strengths; I'm LD! - Paula Moraine: Conclusion - Tonya Hameister: Afterword: Sharing in the Experience - Contributors.