The twentieth century is the period during which the history of Greek mathematics reached its greatest acme. Indeed, it is by no means exaggerated to say that Greek mathematics represents the unique field from the wider domain of the general history of science which was included in the research agenda of so many and so distinguished scholars, from so varied scientific communities (historians of science, historians of philosophy, mathematicians, philologists, philosophers of science, archeologists etc. ), while new scholarship of the highest quality continues to be produced. This volume includes 19 classic papers on the history of Greek mathematics that were published during the entire 20th century and affected significantly the state of the art of this field. It is divided into six self-contained sections, each one with its own editor, who had the responsibility for the selection of the papers that are republished in the section, and who wrote the introduction of the section. It constitutes a kind of a Reader book which is today, one century after the first publications of Tannery, Zeuthen, Heath and the other outstanding figures of the end of the 19th and the beg- ning of 20th century, rather timely in many respects.
1. The Beginnings of Greek Mathematics.- Die Entdeckung der Möglichkeit von Wissenchaft.- Wie ist die Mathematik zu einer deduktiven Wissenschaft geworden?.- On the early history of axiomatics. The interaction of mathematics and philosophy in Greek antiquity..- 2. Studies on Greek Geometry.- Construction as Existence Proof in Ancient Geometry.- Book II of Euclid's Elements in the Light of the Theory of Conic Sections.- The Meno and the Mysteries of Mathematics.- 3. Studies on Proportion Theory and Incommensurability.- Exdoxos-Studien I: Eine voreudoxische Proportionenlehre und ihre Spuren bei Aristoteles und Euklid.- The Discovery of Incommensurability by Hippasus of Metapontum.- Y avait-il une crise des fondements des mathématiques dans l'antiquité?.- The Impact of Modern Mathematics on Ancient Mathematics.- 4. Studies on Greek Algebra.- Zur Berechnung der quadratischen Gleichungen bei den Babyloniern.- Lost Greek mathematical works in Arabic translation.- Diophantus' methods of solution.- 5. Did the Greeks Have the Notion of Common Fraction? Did They Use it?.- Techniques of fractions in Ancient Egypt and Greece..- Logistic and fractions in early Greek mathematics: a new interpretation..- 6. Methodological Issues in the Historiography of Greek Mathematics.- On the Need to Rewrite the History of Greek Mathematics..- Defence of a 'Shocking' Point of View..- Who Betrayed Euclid? (Extract from a letter to the Editor).- History of Ancient Mathematics: Some Reflections on the State of the Art.