Literature and ideas in Russia after the Crimean War - the "plebeian" writers N.V.Uspensky, A.I.Levitov, N.G.Pomyalovsky and V.A. Sleptsov, Derek Offord; three perspectives on faith and freedom - the works of Solovev, Tolstoy and Dostoevsky, Jonathan Sutton; creative reaction: the genesis of certain important ideas of Konstantin Leont'ev, Glenn Cronin; Rozanov, Andrei Sinyavsky; some notes on Mandelstam's "Tristia", Diana Myers; scriptum sub specie sovietica 2, Igor P.Smirnov; Alexander Zinoviev - seer or scientist, Michael Kirkwood; the "new God-builders", Irena Maryniak.
The contributions in this volume, which is part of a series, examine the connection beween literature and ideas in important 19th-century instances. The editor contends that they demonstrate that Russian literature often subverts the ideology to suit its own autonomous needs.