Lil' Champ book series follows Lil' Champ as he competes at different sports while learning life lessons. Such as, working and playing as a team. Doing the best you can at all you do. Compete and do it with Sportsmanship by being respectful and having good manners towards others. And last but least, have fun while doing it. Look for these other titles with Lil' Champ:
Lil' Champ Plays Baseball
Lil' Champ Plays Football
Lil' Champ Plays Soccer
Lil' Champ Plays Floor Hockey
Lil' Champ Does Archery
Lil' Champ book series follows Lil' Champ as he competes at different sports while learning life lessons. Such as, working and playing as a team. Doing the best you can at all you do. Compete and do it with Sportsmanship by being respectful and having good manners towards others. And last but least, have fun while doing it. Look for these other titles with Lil' Champ:
Lil' Champ Plays Baseball
Lil' Champ Plays Basketball
Lil' Champ Plays Football
Lil' Champ Plays Soccer
Lil' Champ Plays Floor Hockey
Lil' Champ Does Swim Team