Get your entire life on track with an accelerated trajectory
Your Trajectory Code is a guide to understanding why youare where you are, and not where you want to be -- and how tochange it. Once you understand what the trajectory code is, you cangain an accelerated understanding of yourself and others, includingfamily members, friends, neighbors, colleagues, and anyoneelse. You'll be able to recognize how tiny 1% adjustments cansignificantly change your trajectory for the rest of your life.Your inner dialogue guides you along your trajectory, and this bookwill teach you the five fundamental types of people in yourconsciousness, and how they can either accelerate your rate ofsuccess or derail you straight into a trajectory of misery.
We all have the opportunity to make decisions and guide whatline or path we follow in life. One trajectory takes you towardgreater accomplishments, while the other moves you in the directionof mediocrity and complacency. Understanding the trajectory codeand line is what separates winners from losers, and YourTrajectory Code shows you how.
* Gain a deeper understanding of yourself and others
* Make tiny adjustments that have a big impact
* Discover who in your life might hold you back
* Steer your trajectory toward achievement and success
The path of your life is not predetermined. You have control,and it's never to late to make the changes that could bring yougreater happiness. Have you settled for "good enough" long enough?Are you ready to rock the boat? Your Trajectory Code is thekey to figuring out what needs to change, and how to change it topoint your trajectory skyward.