Glossary1. IntroductionSection I Principles2. An overview of Western medical acupuncture3. Neurological mechanisms I: local effects4. Neurological mechanisms II: segmental analgesia5. Neurological mechanisms III: extrasegmental analgesia6. Neurological mechanisms IV: central regulatory effects7. Myofascial trigger points8. Traditional Chinese acupuncture reinterpretedSection II: The evidence9. Clinical research into the effectiveness of acupuncture10. Evidence on the safety of acupunctureSection III: Practical aspects11. Preparation for treatment12. Effective needling techniques13. Safe needling14. Other acupuncture techniquesSection IV: Treatment manual15. Treatment guidelines16. Reference charts: points and innervationReferencesIndex
This book is a clear and practical introductory guide to the practice of medical acupuncture. It describes the Western medical approach to the use of acupuncture as a therapy following orthodox diagnosis. The text covers issues of safety, different approaches to acupuncture, basic point information, clinical issues and the application of acupuncture in clinical conditions, especially in the treatment of pain.
- A practical guide to the principles and clinical practice of medical acupuncture
- A clear guide to the neurophysiological principles which underlie medical approaches to acupuncture
- A basic explanation of the different styles of medical acupuncture treatment
- Allows the reader to accrue the practical knowledge necessary before beginning to work with medical acupuncture.