A comprehensive treatment of model-based fuzzy controlsystems
This volume offers full coverage of the systematic framework forthe stability and design of nonlinear fuzzy control systems.Building on the Takagi-Sugeno fuzzy model, authors Tanaka and Wangaddress a number of important issues in fuzzy control systems,including stability analysis, systematic design procedures,incorporation of performance specifications, numericalimplementations, and practical applications.
Issues that have not been fully treated in existing texts, suchas stability analysis, systematic design, and performance analysis,are crucial to the validity and applicability of fuzzy controlmethodology. Fuzzy Control Systems Design and Analysis addressesthese issues in the framework of parallel distributed compensation,a controller structure devised in accordance with the fuzzymodel.
This balanced treatment features an overview of fuzzy control,modeling, and stability analysis, as well as a section on the useof linear matrix inequalities (LMI) as an approach to fuzzy designand control. It also covers advanced topics in model-based fuzzycontrol systems, including modeling and control of chaotic systems.Later sections offer practical examples in the form of detailedtheoretical and experimental studies of fuzzy control in roboticsystems and a discussion of future directions in the field.
Fuzzy Control Systems Design and Analysis offersan advanced treatment of fuzzy control that makes a usefulreference for researchers and a reliable text for advanced graduatestudents in the field.