Mac OS X Snow Leopard is the newest version of the Macintoshoperating system, and "Dr. Mac" Bob LeVitus is theideal expert to introduce you to Snow Leopard. Mac OS X SnowLeopard For Dummies covers all the cool stuff and prepares youfor the quirks, so whether it's your first Mac or an upgrade,you'll enjoy a truly rewarding relationship.
From starting up your Mac to setting up a network and keeping intouch via iChat AV, Mac OS X Snow Leopard For Dummies givesyou the scoop on the new features and improvements that help you domore work in less time.
* Learn when to shut down your Mac and when not to, how to secureit, and how to back it up with Time Machine
* Organize your life with iCal and your stuff with files andfolders, and be able to find what you're looking for
* Set up your Internet connection and e-mail, manage spam, surfwith Safari, and start iChatting
* Download and organize songs, podcasts, and movies with iTunesand plan a playlist with Genius
* Create documents with TextEdit, print them, fax then, and makePDFs
* Set up a network and share files, printers, and Internetconnections
* Find out about operating system updates, firewalls,troubleshooting, and other ways to keep your Mac safe, healthy, andhappy
Technology columnist Bob LeVitus has been a Mac guru for nearlytwo decades. Mac OS X Snow Leopard For Dummies provides justwhat you need to get up and running with Snow Leopard.