This book investigates the main factors influencing the evolution of Russian trade policy; the impact of trade policy on actual Russian trade flows and vice-a-versa; and considers what the reasonable expectations might be regarding the future prospects of Russian trade policy.
Sergei F. Sutyrin is a Professor and World Economy Department Head at Saint Petersburg State University, WTO Chair Holder since 2010.
Olga Y. Trofimenko , Candidate of Economic Science (PhD), is an Associate Professor at the World Economy Department of Saint Petersburg State University.
Alexandra G. Koval , Candidate of Economic Science (PhD), is an Associate Professor at the World Economy Department of Saint Petersburg State University.
Introduction. 1. Trade Monitoring - A Global Perspective on Trade Policy Trends 2. Transformation of the Russian trade policy facing the geopolitical challenges 3. States and Dirigisme versus Markets: Hydrocarbons, Agriculture, and Russia's Trade Policy, 1991-2017 4. The theory and practice of economic sanctions 5. Impact of the WTO accession on acceding countries: analysis of key macroeconomic indicators 6. Eurasian Economic Union: the First Successful Russian Regional Trade Agreement? 7. The European Context of Russian Trade Policy 8. Adaptation of Finnish Food Exporters to Russia's Food Import Restrictions 9. Russia's trade with China: in the face of sanctions a search for new market opportunities 10. Trade cooperation between Russia and Korea during the period of sanctions 2014-2017. Implications for trade policy 11. Contemporary Russian-Brazilian Trade Relations 12. Russian Automotive Industry: Beyond Import Substitution and Export-Led Industrialisation 13. GATS Mode 4 in Russia's Migration Policy: Liberalization and its Limitation 14. Russian Federation in the WTO dispute settlement: first steps 15. Conclusion