The "Max Planck Commentaries on World Trade Law" explain the whole range of world trade law in seven individual article-by-article type commentaries. While the first volume ("WTO World Economic Order, World Trade Law") serves as a nutshell-type introduction to the WTO, the remaining six volumes focus on specific aspects of WTO law. The second volume ("WTO Institutions and Dispute Settlement") brings together the WTO institutional fundamentals and the whole dispute settlement. The third volume ("WTO Technical Barriers and SPS Measures") deals with the most controversial provisions on technical standards, protection of health and environment. The fourth volume ("WTO Trade Remedies") is devoted to the very specific area of antidumping, subsidies and safeguards. The fifth volume ("WTO Trade in Goods") comments on the substantial trade in good rules of the GATT/WTO. Eventually, the sixth and seventh volume ("WTO Trade in Services" and "WTO Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights") deal with intellectual property rights and trade in services rules respectively.