Dr. Pratik Darji stands as the visionary professor at JG Institute ofBusiness Administration in Ahmedabad, Gujarat.Prof. (Dr.) Mamta Brahmbhatt- Professor¿ B.K. School of Business Management, Head- Department of Business Intelligence (BK School).
By reading this book any one can come to know about retail sector in India is playing an important part in the grand scheme of things when it comes to the economy of the country as a whole. There has been a significant amount of research done with regard to services. Particularly in the fields of banking, information technology, hospitality, and food retailing services. Additionally, there has been fair quantity of study in the context of the quality of the service provided to customers by the retail industry. In light of the recent advances in the field, the significance and importance of such an extensive body of research seems justifiable expansion in the number of participants operating within unstructured sectors. In light of the current situation literature regarding the topic of service quality, there is a lack of research available in unorganized sector which compares both SERVQUAL and RSQS scale. In retailing there haven't been that many studies done to investigate how closely both scales are related.