In journeying along the path of life, each of us encounters different circumstances, events and experiences ¿ which collectively likens us universally to snowflakes, inferring that no two of us are the same.Perhaps, what is the most disturbing facet in this modern world, is the accelerating rate of change, which may develop into an enhancement of the quality of life, but the equal probability is that global deterioration for humankind may overwhelm us all. A number of modern-day great thinkers have given food for thought for such prospects, and in doing so have not insisted that they are prophets or soothsayers. Without doubt, and generally agreed, life is short, life is for the living and life should not be considered a chore of endurance, but rather an unbelievably minuscule opportunity to sample, albeit briefly, the joyous merriment, exaltation and beauty that this unlikely life enables. (your chance of being born at all is around 1 in a trillion ¿ think on ¿. !)This book is by my design, a sincere attempt to entertain, elucidate and absorb the reader with the tales and adventures of my life¿s experiences, interludes and events.
The author has spent more than the past 40 years working at the forefront of the offshore energy industry and continues to work on current developments towards successful geophysical surveying in the deepest of the world's oceans.