Mit diesem Reim versuche ich, die Schluesselwörter von unserer Kultur schon in den ersten Stunden zu vermitteln. Die ersten 45 Wurzel Hanzi illustrieren, wie es angefangen hat, und die Bedeutung wird durch Uebungen erklaert bzw. gefestigt. In dieser Reihe kommt noch allen 300 Wurzel Hanzi . Das sind die Grundsaetze, damit man alle 5000 Hanzi weiter bauen kann.
Writer and composer from Himalaya
To learn Chinese, you often start today with, Ni Hao! Did you eat? ' After that it takes ten or twenty years until you can read the core of Chinese literature.
With this rhyme I try to convey the keywords of our culture in the first hours. The first 45 roots of Hanzi illustrate how it started, and the meaning is explained or confirmed through exercises. In this series still comes illustrated legends with all 300 root Hanzi. These are the ground stones to build all up all the rest of chinese characters. An audio of the rhyme can be found on my website at