- Recent developments in Comparative Education: myths, muddles, and marvels
- Prestige und Heimat. (Das Schreiben über) Zoologische Präparate im Kontext der Zürcher Lehrerbildung 1897-1944
[Prestige and homeland. (Writing about) zoological specimens in the context of Zurich's teacher education 1897-1944]
- Die Auswirkungen des nationalsozialistischen Sterilisationsgesetzes auf die Hilfsschulen
[The effects of the National Socialist sterilization law on auxiliary schools]
- Coronation or Educona? Pardon me?!?
Coroziehung oder Erzierona? Wie bitte?!??
- Terri Seddon
Reading and writing 2020 historically: Reflections on temporalities of crisis
Vorschau auf 2-2021
"Education historical scholarship post Secularization, R. I. P. leads to questioning, not if secularization in the meaning of institutional division took place, but rather what secularization as a political project contained. It invites to reconsider what research into religion and state within the field of history of education - in interdisciplinary overlaps with political history and historical religion research - has contributed and can continue to contribute. (Mette Buchardt)
.................................................................................................................. 7
Beiträge ¿ Articles
Robert Cowen
Recent developments in Comparative Education: myths, muddles, and marvels...............11
Adrian Juen
Prestige und Heimat. (Das Schreiben über) Zoologische Präparate im Kontext
der Zürcher Lehrerbildung 1897-1944
[Prestige and homeland. (Writing about) zoological specimens in the context of
Zurich¿s teacher education 1897-1944] ............................................................................23
Dagmar Hänsel
Die Auswirkungen des nationalsozialistischen Sterilisationsgesetzes auf die
[The effects of the National Socialist sterilization law on auxiliary schools] ......................38
Debatte ¿ Discussion
Coronation or Educona? Pardon me?!?
Coroziehung oder Erzierona? Wie bitte?!? ................................................................. 55
Maarten Simons
The rediscovery of the irrelevance of educational thinking................................................58
Ethan Hutt
The sickness in our schools: Corona and the logic of Human Capital .............................61
Inga Bostad
Educational reasoning in times of crisis: Making habitable worlds ...................................65
Malin Ideland
Education, disaster capitalism and the need of distance ...................................................68
Nicholas C. Burbules
A case study of educationalization in the time of COVID-19 ..........................................70
Judith Harford
¿All changed, changed utterly¿: COVID-19 and education .............................................73
Helen Proctor
COVID-19 and the scholarly field of education: some notes from fortress Australia ........75
Norbert Ricken
The loupe of Corona .......................................................................................................78
Rezensionen ¿ Reviews
Mette Buchardt
Christine Schönebeck: Frei sein ¿ mündig werden ..........................................................82
Florian Gimpl
Konstantin Rapp: Napoleon und der ¿Vaterländische Krieg¿ ...........................................84
Fritz Osterwalder
Sonja Levsen: Autorität und Demokratie .........................................................................87
Lukas Boser
Peter Kramper: The Battle of the Standards .....................................................................92
Till Neuhaus
Alexander Kraus/Sabine Reh (Hrsg.): Stadt macht Schule................................................95
Jürgen Overhoff
Tobias Müller: Die Wurzeln des Populismus ....................................................................98
Kolumne ¿ Column
Terri Seddon
Reading and writing 2020 historically: Reflections on temporalities of crisis........... 101