Spyware is a threat to Internet users and according to the law in many countries, vendors are bound to mention any inclusion of spyware in the End User License Agreement (EULA) of the associated software. If the user accepts the agreement without reading it, he/she will unknowingly accept all the regulations mentioned in the EULA. Consequently, this study emphasizes that the EULA can be used to classify the software as spyware or legitimate by using data mining algorithms.
-Muhammad Usman Rashid, MS en ingénierie de la sécurité informatique de l'Institut de technologie de Blekinge. Ingénieur logiciel senior chez Ritzaus Bureau, Copenhague. -Balakrishna Garapati, MS en ingénierie de la sécurité informatique de l'Institut de technologie de Blekinge. Ingénieur logiciel senior chez Ericsson, Stockholm.