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09.04.2025 um 19:30 Uhr
Basic Algebraic Geometry 1
Varieties in Projective Space
von Igor R. Shafarevich
Übersetzung: Miles Reid
Verlag: Springer Berlin Heidelberg
E-Book / PDF
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ISBN: 978-3-642-37956-7
Auflage: 3rd ed. 2013
Erschienen am 13.08.2013
Sprache: Englisch
Umfang: 310 Seiten

Preis: 69,54 €

Biografische Anmerkung

Igor Shafarevich made fundamental contributions to several parts of mathematics including algebraic number theory, algebraic geometry and arithmetic algebraic geometry.

Preface.- Book 1. Varieties in Projective Space: Chapter 1. Basic Notions.- Chapter II. Local Properties.- Chapter III. Divisors and Differential Forms.- Chapter IV. Intersection Numbers.- Algebraic Appendix.- References.- Index

Shafarevich's Basic Algebraic Geometry has been a classic and universally used introduction  to the subject since its first appearance over 40 years ago. As the translator writes in a prefatory note, ``For all [advanced undergraduate and beginning graduate] students, and for the many specialists in other branches of math who need a liberal education in algebraic geometry, Shafarevich's book is a must.'' The third edition, in addition to some minor corrections, now offers a new treatment of the Riemann--Roch theorem for curves, including a proof from first principles.
Shafarevich's book is an attractive and accessible introduction to algebraic geometry, suitable for beginning students and nonspecialists, and the new edition is set to remain a popular introduction to the field.

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