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Pierre Jarawan liest aus DIE FRAU IM MOND
03.09.2025 um 19:30 Uhr
Supersymmetry: Structure and Phenomena
Extensions of the Standard Model
von Nir Polonsky
Verlag: Springer Berlin Heidelberg
Reihe: Lecture Notes in Physics Monographs Nr. 68
ISBN: 978-3-642-07631-2
Auflage: Softcover reprint of the original 1st ed. 2001
Erschienen am 07.12.2010
Sprache: Englisch
Format: 235 mm [H] x 155 mm [B] x 11 mm [T]
Gewicht: 300 Gramm
Umfang: 192 Seiten

Preis: 106,99 €
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is one of the most discussed themes in Supersymmetry modern particle there is no evidence for its in physics, although convincing existence yet nature. the andtheoretical ofthis Intriguedby uniqueness beauty symmetry, researchersinthe field areconfidentthat interest willcontinueinthe coming and even decades. In ofthemost recent fact, years many exciting develop ments inmathematical field and physics,quantum theory were stringtheory obtained the of using concepts supersymmetry. Stillthe most of resides inthe fascinatingaspect supersymmetry possibil that extendthe it celebratedstandardmodelof ity might elementaryparticle into accessible an to and physics energyrange present planned experiments: its thusbe "aroundthe corner"'. This so called experimentaldiscoverymight the ofthestan "low energy" supersymmetry, supersymmetricgeneralization dard model of weakand is the central strong, electromagnetic interactions, ofthe book. subject present Nir iswellsuitedasanauthorofsuch book he is in Polonsky a as an expert the field his hasmade contributionsto its and,throughout important career, Inthe he tour" development. presentmonograph providesa "guided through thisvast fieldof Ina heselects "low energy" supersymmetry, convincing way the essential and a consistent account ofthe topics provides field, avoiding thediscussionof details. Hisclearand make unnecessary patientexplanations this book useful both for the researcher in the field and the experienced studentwho wants to take the first towards steps learning supersymmetry. All interested in this willwant have thisbook physicists to on their subject shelves. Bonn, Germany, 2001 Hans Peter Nilles July Preface Moor: point horse my where birds sing.

Basic Ingredients.- The Hierarchy Problem and Beyond.- Bottom-Up Construction.- Supersymmetry.- Supersymmetrizing the Standard Model.- Unification.- The Heavy Top and Radiative Symmetry Breaking.- The Higgs Potential and the Light Higgs Boson.- The Flavor Problem.- Models.- Neutrinos.- Vacuum Stability.- Supersymmetry Breaking Operators.- N = 2 Supersymmetry.

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