How do individuals experience multilingualism and mobility in the context of Europeanization and globalisation? The contributors explore language-in-education policies and family language policies, as well as the complex interface between multilingualism and space. They provide fresh insights on key issues in sociolinguistics, multilingualism and language policy via discussion of rich qualitative data. The multiple sites analysed in the chapters are located in France, Germany, Luxembourg, Hungary and Moldova. Some of the chapters dealing with France, including one about the overseas French territory of La Réunion, are written in French.
Kristine Horner is Reader at the University of Sheffield and Director of the Centre for Luxembourg Studies.
Ingrid de Saint-Georges is Associate Professor in Educational Studies at the University of Luxembourg.
Jean-Jacques Weber is Professor in Educational Studies at the University of Luxembourg.
Contents: Kristine Horner: Introduction: Multilingualism and mobility in European context - Carol W. Pfaff: Multilingualism and mobility: Reflections on sociolinguistic studies of Turkish/German children and adolescents in Berlin 1978-2013 - Büsra Hamurcu : Le rôle de la gestualité dans l'acquisition du langage des enfants d'origine turque scolarisés en maternelle, en France - Yan-Zhen Chen : L'enseignement du chinois standard en France: Politiques linguistiques et les enjeux éducatifs - Christine Hélot/Valérie Fialais: Early bilingual education in Alsace: The one language/one teacher policy in question - Tímea Kádas Pickel : Je suis qui je suis / Meet the other side of me. Identité et littératie multilingue/multimodale: Analyse d'un projet photographique réalisé par des élèves nouvellement arrivés en France - Pascale Prax-Dubois : Les collaborations enseignants/assistantes de maternelle en pré-élémentaire à la Réunion : Un partenariat linguistique à construire - Anna Weirich: Majorized linguistic repertoires in a nationalizing state - Joanna Kremer: «Come back next year to be a Luxembourger»: Perspectives on language testing and citizenship legislation «from below» - Annie Flore Made Mbe: Parents' representations of the family language policy within bilingual families in Luxembourg: Choices, motivations, strategies and children's language development - Angélique Bouchés-Rémond-Rémont: Family language policy and the English language in francophone families in France: A focus on parents' reasons as decision-takers - Stefan Karl Serwe/Ingrid de Saint-George: «Ohne Glutamat/Without MSG»: Shelf label design in a Thai supermarket - Jenny Carl: Multilingualism and space: Memories of place in language biographies of ethnic Germans in Sopron - Patrick Stevenson: Language (hi)stories: Researching migration and multilingualism in Berlin.