In one ofthe fundamental notions is that any physical theory of of energy the hand: in mechanics at one considers the objects energy of, say, moving in fieldtheories is one interested inthe offield masses; energy configurations. A unified treatment of this which both to mechanics question, applies and to field Hamiltonian a formalism. We will theory, proceeds through shortly reviewbelowhowsuch iscarried aprocedure out inthe ofscalarfields theory Minkowski let at this on mention that an space time; us, stage, important often inthe isthat ofthe issue, ignored conditions sat textbooks, boundary isfied the set of fields under consideration. While by this issuecanbe safely for when the ignored usual field many purposes considering theories, such scalar fields or the = as on electromagnetism, ft constj hypersurfaces, where t is a it sometimes critical Minkowski time, a rolewhen other plays of classes are considered. Inthe of the hypersurfaces case situation is gravity for t= worse: even Minkowskian slicesthe f constj asymptotically boundary terms crucial. is ofthe are one main differencesbetweentheArnowitt (This Deser Misner for Sect. 5. 4 mass which is (ADM) gravity (cf. below), given a andthe usual for by boundary integral, field theories in energyexpression Minkowski wheretheHamiltonian is volume space time, a usually integral. ) in field the itsmost role in Now, theory plays important theradiation energy where it can be radiated the field.
Preliminaries.- Hamiltonian flows for geometric field theories.- Radiating scalar fields.- The energy of the gravitational field.- Hamiltonians associated with the BMS group.