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09.04.2025 um 19:30 Uhr
Complex Systems
Relationships between Control, Communications and Computing
von Georgi M. Dimirovski
Verlag: Springer International Publishing
Reihe: Studies in Systems, Decision and Control Nr. 55
ISBN: 978-3-319-80443-9
Auflage: Softcover reprint of the original 1st edition 2016
Erschienen am 30.05.2018
Sprache: Englisch
Format: 235 mm [H] x 155 mm [B] x 39 mm [T]
Gewicht: 1083 Gramm
Umfang: 728 Seiten

Preis: 160,49 €
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Biografische Anmerkung

This book gives a wide-ranging description of the many facets of complex dynamic networks and systems within an infrastructure provided by integrated control and supervision: envisioning, design, experimental exploration, and implementation. The theoretical contributions and the case studies presented can reach control goals beyond those of stabilization and output regulation or even of adaptive control.
Reporting on work of the Control of Complex Systems (COSY) research program, Complex Systems follows from and expands upon an earlier collection: Control of Complex Systems by introducing novel theoretical techniques for hard-to-control networks and systems.
The major common feature of all the superficially diverse contributions encompassed by this book is that of spotting and exploiting possible areas of mutual reinforcement between control, computing and communications. These help readers to achieve not only robust stable plant system operation but also properties such as collective adaptivity, integrity and survivability at the same time retaining desired performance quality.
Applications in the individual chapters are drawn from:
¿ the general implementation of model-based diagnosis and systems engineering in medical technology, in communication, and in power and airport networks;
¿ the creation of biologically inspired control brains and safety-critical human¿machine systems,
¿ process-industrial uses;
¿ biped robots;
¿ large space structures and unmanned aerial vehicles; and
¿ precision servomechanisms and other advanced technologies.
Complex Systems provides researchers from engineering, applied mathematics and computer science backgrounds with innovative theoretical and practical insights into the state-of-the-art of complex networks and systems research. It employs physical implementations and extensive computer simulations. Graduate students specializing in complex-systems

Introduction.- Part I Control and Supervision for Complex Networks and Systems.- Diagnosis for Control and Decision Support in Complex Systems.- Integration of Supervisory Control Synthesis in Model-Based Systems Engineering.- Output Synchronization of Dynamical Networks Having Nodes with Relative Degree One Nonlinear Systems.- Mechanism Design for Incentive-Compatible Control of Networks.- Building Smart Grid.- Space-Independent Community Detection in Airport Networks.- Part II Machine Intelligence and Learning in Complex Control Systems.- Creating and Controlling Complex Biological Brains.- Iterative Learning Control as an Enabler for Robotically Assisted Upper-Limb Stroke Rehabilitation.- Adaptive-Fuzzy-Modelling-Based Quantitative Assessment of Operator Functional State in Complex and Safety-Critical Human-Machine Systems.- Neural Networks with Anticipation and some Problems of Complexity Theory.- Decentralized Control of Complex Dynamic Systems Employing ANN Function Emulation.- Part III Control and Supervision of Complex Mechanical Structures and Robots.- How to Cope with Disturbance in Biped Locomotion.- Adaptive Control of Large Space Structures.- Market-Based Optimization for the Navigation of Mobile Robots.- Fault-Tolerant Estimation of UAV Dynamics via Robust Kalman Filters.- Guidance Laws and Navigation Systems for Quadrotor UAV.- State-Dependent Riccati-Equation-Based Tracking Control of a Hydraulic Seismic Isolator Test Rig.- Part IV Control and Supervision in Multi-Agent and Industrial Systems.- Distributed Supervisory Strategies for Multi-Agent Systems.- Modularity and Supervision in Petri-Net-Based Synthesis of Agents Cooperation.- Adaptive Internal-Model-Based Distribution Agreement in a Class of Multi-Agent Systems.- An Example of Fault Detection and Reconfiguration-Based Tolerance within Distributed Embedded Control Ssytems.- Predictive Control of Thermal Processes in Complex Industrial Furnaces.- Closed-Loop Control with Evolving Gaussian Process Models.- Part V Attentuation of Uncertain Disturbances through Fast Control Inputs Attenuation.- Sliding Manifold Design for Linear Systems with Scalar Unmatched Disturbances.- Sliding-Mode-Based Anti-Lock Braking System Control.- Switching Frequency Optimization of DC/AC Inverters Using Sliding Modes.- Discrete-Time Sliding-Mode Servo Systems Design with Disturbance Compensation Approach.- Pragmatic Design Methods using Adaptive Controller Structures for Mechatronic Applications with Variable Parameters and Working Conditions.- Concluding Remarks: A Look Forward to the Future.

Georgi Marko Dimirovski is a Research Professor (life-time) of Automation & Systems Engineering at the Faculty of Electrical-Electronics Engineering and Information Technologies of SS Cyril and Methodius University of Skopje, R. Macedonia, and a Professor of Computer Science and Information Technologies at the Faculty of Engineering of Dogus University of Istanbul as well as an Invited Professor of Computer and Control Sciences at the Graduate Institutes of Istanbul Technical University (Aerospace Engineering) and of Dokuz Eylul University of Izmir (Mechatronics Engineering), R. Turkey, and a 'Pro Universitas' Professor at Doctoral School of Obuda University in Budapest, Hungary. He is a Foreign Member of Serbian Academy of Engineering Sciences in Belgrade. He received his Dipl.-Ing. degree in 1966 from SS Cyril and Methodius University of Skopje, R. Macedonia, M.Sc. degree in 1974 from University of Belgrade, R. Serbia, and Ph.D. degree in 1977 from University of Bradford, England, UK. He got his postdoctoral position in 1979 and subsequently was a Visiting Research Professor at the University of Bradford in 1984, 1986 and 1988 as well as at the University of Wolverhampton in 1990 and 1991. He was a Senior Research Fellow and Visiting Professor at Free University in Brussels, Belgium, in 1994 and also at Johannes Kepler University in Linz, Austria, in 2000. Georgi Dimirovski, along with Dr Qing-Kui Li and Dr Jun Zhao, is the recipient of the 2009 Premium of IET Control Theory & Applications for the best IET-CTA article in the previous year 2008. In 2011 he received the Outstanding Service Award of the International Federation of Automatic Control (IFAC). His research interests include nonlinear systems and control, complex dynamical networks, switched systems, and applied computational intelligence into decision and control problems. He has supervised or advised more than 30 doctoral students and 2 postdoctoral fellows. Dr Dimirovski has authored or co-authored 100 plus journal articles and 400 plus conference papers at international conferences worldwide, which yielded more than 900 citations in Scopus. At present, he serves the Asian J. of Control (Taipei, Taiwan; J. Wiley), International J. of Automation & Computing (Beijing, China; Springer), and CEAC journal (Bucharest, Romania) as an associate editor and member of the editorial board, while in the past he served IEEE SMC Transactions (The IEEE, Piscataway, USA), Proceedings IMechE Systems & Control Eng. (The Instution of Mechanical Engineers, London, UK), Facta Universitatis EE (Nis, R. Serbia), and IU Journal EEE (Istanbul, Turkey). in the same capacity.

Georgi Dimirovski was the acting program chair and editor of the 2003 IEEE Conference on Control Applications and of the 2010 IEEE Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics. He was the acting general chair or technical program chair of number of IFAC workshops and conferences as well as others during the last three decades. He served the IFAC in capacities of chair or co-chair of a technical committee as well as a chair of a coordinating commttee, with several technical committees, and was a member of IFAC Technical Board during 2005-2011. He has delivered plenary/keynote talks or invited lectures at a number of international conferences, among others, those sponsored by IFAC and the IEEE.

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