A sensitive exploration of the impact of a stroke on a loved one, for young children. Explores the role of art therapy in rehabilitation. Ages: 4-8yrs.
Kate Simpson spent her childhood with her nose in a book but always thought writing was something that other people did - people with ‘ideas’. In her thirties, Kate finally decided to give it a try and discovered that ideas can come from anywhere and writing can be for anyone. When she’s not writing or reading, Kate loves board games and laughter, the feel of the sun on her face, and spending time with family, particularly her two young children. This is her first picture book.
Gwynneth Jones drew all through her maths book at school, so left to study art at TAFE and then majored in Plant and Wildlife Illustration at the University of Newcastle. Since then, Gwynneth has been imagining and drawing madly, exhibiting and holding market stalls, and creating picture books. As well as full-time art making, Gwynneth is also studying to be an art therapist.