The Mars trilogy tells the story of Lora and her family, settlers struggling to survive on the red planet. Apparently safe in the City Inside, Lora becomes suspicious of its human/Martian authorities. But then she gets the chance to join their expedition to the Martian plains to find Grandma's friend Ruby, survivor of the old Earth starships. When their flying saucer crash-lands Lora must lead on through deadly adventures.
Paul Magrs grew up in Newton Aycliffe, County Durham and went to the University of Lancaster. He was a Senior Lecturer in English Literature and Creative Writing at UEA, running their famous MA course, and then at MMU in Manchester. Now he writes full time, at home in Levenshulme, where he lives with his partner Jeremy Hoad. He's written many children's and YA titles, including five Doctor Who novels with BBC Books, Strange Boy, Exchange and Diary of a Doctor Who Addict.