1 Seeking the truth
2. Physical Mediumship (The Mediumship of Mrs. M.R. Gunning /Apport Phenomena /Leslie Flint, Direct Voice Medium /The Use of Ectoplasm in Mediumship /Helen Duncan - Materialisation Medium /The Mediumship of Alec Harris /The Mediumship of William Olsen / The Angel of Bersham /Psychic Photography /Psychic Art )
3.3 Clairvoyance and Precognition (Some Personal Examples /Psychometry /Ghosts, Poltergeists and Hauntings /Exorcism /Trance Mediumship /Uri Geller -The Mind Bender The Scientific Approach to Investigation)
4 Spiritual Healing (Harry Edwards -A Tribute /The Blacksmith Who Became a Healer /Spiritual Hypnosis /Psychic Surgery
5 Psychic Development
6 Some Personal Views and Observations