Interfrictions - Richard Marggraf Turley
'This Alabaster Spell': Poetry as historicist method - Damian Walford Davies
Then again what do I know: Reflections on reflection in creative writing - Philip Gross
Writers as readers, readers as writers: 'Focal-plane' activities in creative writing practice - Peter Barry
The theology of Marilyn Monroe - Kevin Mills
Black and white and re[a]d all over: the poetics of embarrassment - Tiffany Atkinson
Linguistically wounded: The poetical scholarship of Veronica Forrest-Thomson - Robert Sheppard
'Jump to the Skies': Critical and creative responses to creative writing - theory and practice - Deryn Rees-Jones
Translating cities: walking and poetry - Zoë Skoulding
Noisy, like a frog - Jasmine Donahaye