Grzegorz W. Kolodko is Professor of Economics at Kozminski University in Warsaw, and founder and Director of the TIGER Institute of Economic Affairs. He is a former Deputy Prime Minister of Poland and Minister of Finance, where he was a key architect of the economic reforms that brought Poland into the OECD in the 1990s. He is the author of Whither the World: The Political Economy of the Future (Palgrave, 2014) and of Truth, Errors and Lies: Economics and Politics in a Volatile World (Columbia University Press, 2011). He has written widely for international media and his books have been translated into 16 different languages.
List of diagrams
List of maps
List of tables
Initial reflections
Chapter One: Economy and security
1. Cold War Two
2. Cascade of threats
3. Technology and politics
Chapter Two: The century of Asia with China leading the way?
1. A country in the middle of Asia
2. New Silk Road instead of exporting revolution
3. Nobody likes a hard landing
Chapter Three: People and goods in the changing world
1. Between a demographic explosion and a population deficit
2. How long, how fast?
3. Where is the East, where is the West?
4. Myth of the free market being perfect
Chapter Four: Socialism, capitalism or Chinism?
1. Economy - society - state
2. In search of equilibrium
3. Socialism with Chinese characteristics or corrupt crony capitalism?
4. Whither China and what business is it to others
5. Tertium datur
Chapter Five: Recipe for crisis
1. At the expense of many for the benefit of few
2. Legally but immorally
Chapter Six: What do the Chinese ask about?
1. Right questions at the right time
2. What students want to know
3. Chinese panoply of questions
Chapter Seven: New pragmatism with Chinese characteristics
1. Vision rather than illusions
2. 16+1 initiative
3. China coming to our rescue?
Final reflections