Providing an inclusive and expansive vision of how radar will serve our increasingly efficiency- and security-conscious world, the authors employ the model of holographic and ubiquitous radar (HUR) in which staring arrays are used such that the whole of a surveillance volume is continuously interrogated, with complex, ubiquitous signal data stored and analyzed.
Gordon Oswald was the chief science officer of Aveillant Ltd, UK. He studied physics at Oxford, then radioglaciology at Cambridge, applying radar in Arctic and Antarctic geophysics. He joined Cambridge Consultants (Arctic remote sensing; European and US anti-air weapons evaluation; automotive collision avoidance); founded Aveillant (aviation and wind turbine reconciliation; UAV threat classification). He has served as a research professor at the University of Maine, chairman of the British Association of Remote Sensing Companies, and organising secretary of the Cambridge Society for the Application of Research.