The rise of digital publishing and the ebook has opened up an array of possibilities for the writer working with innovation in mind. Creative Writing and the Radical uses an examination of how experimental writers in the past have explored the possibilities of multimodal writing to theorise the nature of writing fiction in the future. It is clear that experimental writers rehearsed for technological advances long before they were invented. Through an in-depth study of writers and their motivations, challenges and solutions, the author explores the shifts creative writing teachers and students will need to make in order to adapt to a new era of fiction writing and reading.
1. The Concept of the Radical in Writing
2. The Radical in the 20th Century
3. Radical Experiments 1: Words
4. Radical Experiments 2: The Page, the Book
5. Radical Experiments 3: Narrative, Visuals, Sound
6. Experiments in Writing for Children
7. Fiction and the Future
8. Teaching and Learning the New Creative Writing
Nigel Krauth is Professor of Creative Writing at Griffith University in Australia. He has published four novels, and co-authored a number of books for Young Adults. He is General Editor of TEXT: Journal of Writing and Writing Courses.