Giulia Enders, MD is a resident doctor for Internal Medicine and Gastroenterology and a two-time scholarship winner of the Wilhelm and Else Heraeus Foundation. Her book, Gut, changed the way thousands of readers around the world understand the human digestive system. She lives in Mannheim and Frankfurt, Germany.
Jill Enders is a graphic designer whose main focus is communication in science, and the founder of a collaborative network of designers and scientists.
David Shaw was born in Leeds, UK. He has worked at Deutsche Welle, Germany's international news broadcaster since 1995. Shaw has an M.A. from the University of Bath in Interpreting and Translating German and Russian, where his thesis was on the adaptation of German Television news texts for an international, English speaking audience. He regularly translates books from German to English.
Originally published in Germany as Darm mit Charme by Ullstein 2014.