Part I: JavaScript Basics
Chapter 1: What Is JavaScript?
Chapter 2: Data Types and Variables
Chapter 3: Arrays
Chapter 4: Objects
Chapter 5: Conditionals and Loops
Chapter 6: Functions
Chapter 7: Classes
Part II: Interactive JavaScript
Chapter 8: HTML, the Document Object Model, and CSS
Chapter 9: Event-Based Programming
Chapter 10: The Canvas Element
Part III: Projects
Chapter 11: Project 1: Making a Game
Chapter 12: Project 1B: Object-Oriented Pong
Chapter 13: Project 2: Making Music
Chapter 14: Project 3: Visualizing Data
"An introduction to JavaScript for first-time programmers and newcomers to the language. Covers essential concepts like variables, arrays, objects, functions, conditionals, loops, and classes. Explores JavaScript's application in web development, enabling you to create interactive applications. Includes hands-on projects"--