"Dr. Foad is a rheumatologist in private practice in Cincinnati, Ohio, since
1975. He pursued academic studies in religion and has a BA and master
degrees in theology. He has written many books about Islam, including
"Understanding the life story of prophet Muhammad in the context of the
Qur'an", "Understanding the sayings of prophet Muhammad in the context of
the Qur'an", "Islam is a religion of logic", "Understanding the Qur'an", "Noble
character" 3 volumes, "Understanding the New Testament in the context of
the Qur'an", "Understanding the Hebrew Bible in the context of the Qur'an".
He is active in interface dialogue and taught Islam for the past 40 years. He
approaches religion from a logical prospective, seeking to understand the
rationale of divine orders. Dr. Foad is a founding member of the Islamic
center in Cincinnati, Ohio."