This story starts in a dark alley in Barcelona where the cats are up and about. They need to eat and go in search of a feast. There is no scarcity of work, but they like to rest. Their games, at times, are fights that the light can calm down, and when they travel by the light of the moon, their shadows make silhouettes. With the rhythm of the blues, these verses describe stray cats in a sentimental way.
Born in Mexico City on February 18, 1951, Alberto Blanco is considered one of Mexico's most important poets. His literary output has been very abundant and varied, and he has undertaken three genres: first, poetry, followed by essays, and, finally, translations. He has published twenty-six books of poetry in Mexico and additional books in other countries; ten books of his translations of the work of other poets; and twelve storybooks for children, some of which have been illustrated by his wife Patricia Revah. His work has been translated into twenty languages, including English, French, German, Portuguese, Italian, Dutch, Swedish, Danish, Hungarian, Japanese, Romanian, Bulgarian, Zapotec, and Russian.