As a study in the methodology of metaphysics, the book seeks to show that ultimately Reality's inherent impetus to lawful order serves also to account for its existence. It unfolds a train of thought to show that Reality both exists and has the nature it does for good reason, and specifically because this is somehow for the best.
1. Reality
2. Consciousness
3. Control Issues
4. Reality's Intelligible Order
5. The Role of Technology in Natural Science
6. Oversimplification
7. Overcomplication
8. Quantitative Epistemology
9. Information Iniquities
10. Managing Uncertainty
11. The Paradox of Inquiry
12. Prediction, Fashion, and Futurity in the Philosophy of Science
13. Probative Homogeneity in Rational Substantiation
14. Teleology and Chance
15. Explaining Existence