Advances in Lipid Research, Volume 12 is a seven-chapter text that focuses on the significant progress in lipid metabolism.
The opening chapter reviews the relationships between plasma and tissue lipids and atherosclerosis. Understanding the dynamics of exchange of plasma lipoproteins with aortic tissue is the basis of understanding the etiology of this disease and the approaches to therapy. The succeeding chapters describe the phases of lipid metabolism in cultured cells and the influences of various dietary components on the specific enzymes of fatty acid and cholesterol biogenesis. Other chapters discuss the role of phospholipids in transport and enzymic reactions, membrane fluidity, aspects of lipid-protein interactions, and the physiologic role of thyroid lipids. The closing chapters explore the chemistry and biological function of glycosyl glycerides, as well as the physiopathology of the biguanidines, a class of oral hypoglycemic agents.
This book will prove useful to lipid chemists, biochemists, and researchers.
List of ContributorsPrefaceContents of Previous VolumesThe Relationship Between Plasma and Tissue Lipids in Human Atherosclerosis I. Introduction II. Relationship Between the Chemical and Morphological Characteristics of Lipid in Human Aortic Intima III. Concentration of Plasma LD-Lipoprotein in Normal Intima and Lesions IV. Quantitative Relationship Between Plasma Constituents in Intima V. Relationship Between LD-Lipoprotein and the Lipid "Deposited" in Intima VI. Conclusions ReferencesLipid Metabolism in Cultured Cells I. Introduction II. Methodology III. Fatty Acids IV. Glycerides V. Sterols VI. Phospholipids VII. Lipid Ethers VIII. Studies of Drugs and Inhibitors of Lipid Metabolism in Cultured Cells IX. Studies of Lipids in Differentiated Cells in Culture X. Use of Cell Cultures for the Study of Lipidoses XI. Comparison of Lipid Metabolism in Normal and Tumor Cells in Culture XII. Summary and Conclusions ReferencesEffect of Diet on Activity of Enzymes Involved in Fatty Acid and Cholesterol Synthesis I. Introduction II. Dietary Adaptation of Specific Enzymes Involved in Fatty Acid and Cholesterol Synthesis III. Overview ReferencesRole of Phospholipids in Transport and Enzymic Reactions I. Introduction II. Criteria for Establishing and Determining the Role of Lipids in Biological Processes III. Nonspecific Role of Lipids in Biological Processes IV. Effect of Membrane Fluidity and Lipid Phase Transitions on Functioning of Membrane-Bound Proteins V. Specific Role of Lipids VI. Partially Characterized Aspects of Lipid-Protein Interactions VII. Epilogue and Prospects ReferencesThe Composition and Possible Physiologie Role of the Thyroid Lipids I. Introduction II. Methods and Materials III. Results IV. Discussion V. Summary ReferencesGlycosyl Glycerides I. Introduction II. Discovery and Elucidation of Structure III. Isolation and Analytical Methodology IV. Occurrence and Distribution V. Chemical Synthesis VI. Metabolism in Plants, Bacteria, and Animals VII. Biological Function ReferencesInhibition of Fatty Acid Oxidation by Biguanides: Implications for Metabolic Physiopathology I. Introduction II. Preliminary Pharmacobiological Criteria III. Glucose Turnover and Oxidation IV. Gluconeogenesis V. Peripheral Glucose Utilization VI. Secondary Hyperinsulinemia VII. Intestinal Glucose Absorption VIII. Lactate Metabolism IX. Adipose Tissue Metabolism X. Hyperlipoproteinemia XI. Nitrogen Metabolism XII. Relationships Between Biguanides and Insulin XIII. A Further Hypothesis XIV. Conclusions XV. Summary ReferencesAuthor IndexSubject Index