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09.04.2025 um 19:30 Uhr
Metal Forming and Impact Mechanics
William Johnson Commemorative Volume
von S. R. Reid
Verlag: Elsevier Science & Techn. Kontaktdaten
E-Book / PDF
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ISBN: 978-1-4831-4999-8
Erschienen am 29.07.2016
Sprache: Englisch
Umfang: 392 Seiten

Preis: 54,95 €

54,95 €

Metal Forming and Impact Mechanics reviews significant developments concerning the mechanics of metal forming and impact. Topics covered include the kinematics of steady plane flows in elastoplastic media; contact zone and friction coefficient in hot-rolling; and plastic deformation of porous materials. Developments in the use of superplastic alloys, the use of metal tubes as impact energy absorbers, and fracturing of explosively loaded solids are also discussed.
This book has 18 chapters divided equally between the broad headings of metal forming and impact mechanics. The section on metal forming mechanics includes papers that explore an upper bound approach to metal forming processes; rotary forming of rings under kinematic constraints; and microcomputer programs for rolling and extrolling. The section on impact mechanics examines the use of elementary approximation techniques to study plastic deformation in pulse loaded structures; static and dynamic axial crushing of circular and square tubes; and shear-control fragmentation of explosively loaded steel cylinders.
This monograph will be of value to structural and mechanical engineers, metallurgists, and materials scientists and technologists, as well as to those active in the field of solid mechanics.

List of ContributorsWilliam Johnson-Biographical NoteList of Publications By William JohnsonMetal Forming Mechanics On the Kinematics of Steady Plane Flows in Elastoplastic Media Upper Bound Approach to Metal Forming Processes-To Date and in the Future Rotary Forming of Rings Under Kinematic Constraints A Study of the Contact Zone and Friction Coefficient in Hot-Rolling Microcomputer Programs for Rolling and Extrolling Finite-Element Analysis of Plastic Deformation of Porous Materials Finite Strain Determination in Sheet Metal Stampings Developments in the Use of Superplastic Alloys Shakedown of Tubes: A Theoretical Analysis and Experimental InvestigationImpact Mechanics A Review of Elementary Approximation Techniques for Plastic Deformation of Pulse Loaded Structures On the Large Plastic Deformation of Clamped Annular Diaphragms under Impulsive Loading An Energy Criterion for the Dynamic Plastic Buckling of Circular Cylinders Under Impulsive Loading Static and Dynamic Axial Crushing of Circular and Square Tubes Metal Tubes as Impact Energy Absorbers Initiation of Perforation in Thin Plates by Projectiles Impact and Perforation of Cylindrical Shells by Blunt Missiles The Shear-Control Fragmentation of Explosively Loaded Steel Cylinders Fracturing of Explosively Loaded SolidsIndex