Edith Hall is Professor of Classics at the University of Durham and Consultant Director of the Archive of Performances of Greek and Roman Drama in Oxford, UK. Her books on ancient Greek culture and its reception include The Return of Ulysses (2008), Greek Tragedy (2010), Adventures with Iphigenia in Tauris (2013) and Introducing the Ancient Greeks (2015).
Timeline of Tony Harrison's Classics-Informed Works
1 'Models of eloquence': Radical Classicism
2 'Stone bodies': Statuary in The Loiners (1970) and Palladas (1975)
3 'Frontiers of Appetite': Phaedra Britannica (1975)
4 'Shaggermemnon': Aeschylus' Oresteia and Continuous (1981)
5 'All the versuses of life': 'v.' and Medea: A Sex-War Opera (1985)
6 'Bookworm excreta': The Trackers of Oxyrhynchus (1988) and Other Plays and Poems
7 'End to end in technicolour': Prometheus (1998) and Other Films
8 'Witnessed horror': Fram (2008) and Harrison's Euripides
9 'Surviving the slopes of Parnassus': 'Polygons' (2015) and Other Poems