This book explores the origins, extent and implications of thisrevival in the fortunes of private landlordism. It presents anin-depth, scholarly analysis of private landlords, the rationalesfor and ways in which governments have sought to revitaliseinvestment in residential lettings, and their success in doing so.It also assesses the extent to which landlordism has beentransformed in recent years and the lessons for policy that can belearned from this experience.
The book draws on the extensive research into private landlordsconducted by the authors over the past two decades. This includesprojects funded by the Joseph Rowntree Foundation, the predecessordepartments to the Department for Communities and Local Government,Scottish Homes, and the Economic and Social Research Council.
It fills a major gap in the literature about an important actorin housing provision and the built environment. Most of the recentwork on private landlords has been published as research reportsand there is a lack of book length scholarly study aimed at anacademic rather than a policy audience.