Mom in the Mirror provides insight, support, and the information necessary to help overcome damaging lifestyle habits and self-esteem struggles post-pregnancy. Readers will learn how to improve the way they eat, live, feel, and parent, thereby increasing their happiness, confidence, and self-esteem both as mothers and women.
By Dena Cabrera and Emily T. Wierenga - Foreword by Emme
1: Our Bodies, Ourselves-The Dissatisfied Generation
2: A Bruised Beginning-From Girlhood to Adolescence
3: From Bruised to Broken: When Adolescent Turns Adult
4: Before and After-The Effects of Pregnancy
5: Change, Acceptance, and More Change-Embracing Motherhood
6: The Sleepless Wife-How to Balance Marriage and Motherhood
7: Beyond Breast Milk (or Formula)-The Challenges of Feeding Children
8: Food from Heaven-Spiritual Nourishment for You and Your Family
9: Like Mother, Like Daughter-Your Personal Legacy
10: Being the Mirror-How to Inspire Beauty in Our Daughters
11: The Anxious Mother-Using Food, Exercise, or Work as an Escape
12: Friendly Competition-Your Relationship with Other Women
13: As They Grow-Your Changing Role as a Mom and Woman
14: Getting Help-Hope and a Cure
15: Identity Crisis-Discovering True Self-Worth