Acknowledgements - Introduction - 'Internet Universality': Human Rights and Principles for the Internet - Technological Unemployment: Educating for the Fourth Industrial Revolution - The University in the Epoch of Digital Reason: Fast Knowledge in the Circuits of Cybernetic Capitalism - Educational Web Science - Digital Archives in the Cloud: Collective Memory, Institutional Histories, and the Disclosure of Information - The Political Economy of Informational Democracy - The Eco-University in the Green Age - Who Is Really in Charge of Contemporary Education? People and Technologies in, Against, and Beyond the Neoliberal University - Conversation With Fred Turner, U.S. Historian of Digital Technologies: From the Electronic Frontier to the Anthropocene - Toward a Political Theory of Social Innovation: Collective Intelligence and the Co-creation of Social Goods - Toward a Philosophy of Academic Publishing - Collective Writing: An Inquiry Into Praxis - Conversation With Pierre A. Levy, French Philosopher of Collective Intelligence - Inside the Global Teaching Machine: MOOCs, Academic Labour, and the Future of the University - Philosophy of Education in the Age of Digital Reason - Learning, Creative Col(labor)ation, and Knowledge Cultures - Digital Reading: From the Reflective Self to Social Machine - The Digital Self - A Vision of the Digital University: Radical Openness, Creative Labour, and the Co-production of Symbolic Goods - Prologue to the Digital University Manifesto - The Digital University Manifesto - Index.
The Digital University: A Dialogue and Manifesto focuses on teaching, learning, and research in the age of the digital reason and their relationships to the so-called knowledge economy. The first part of the book, 'The University in the Epoch of Digital Reason,' presents the authors' insights into the nature of the contemporary university. The second part, 'Collective Intelligence and the Co-creation of Social Goods,' explores various collective ways of knowledge creation, dissemination, and education. The final part, 'Digital Teaching, Digital Learning and Digital Science,' presents an ongoing series of one-to one dialogues between Michael Adrian Peters and Petar Jandric about philosophy of education in the age of digital reason, relationships between learning, creative col(labor)ation, and knowledge cultures, digital reading, digital self, digital being, radical openness, creative labour, and the co-production of symbolic goods. Situated in, against, and beyond the current state of affairs, the book ends with the Digital University Manifesto, which explores what is to be done in and for a better future of the digital university.
Michael Adrian Peters is Professor of Education at the University of Waikato, New Zealand and Emeritus Professor in Educational Policy, Organization, and Leadership at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. His interests are in education, philosophy, and social policy, and he has written over sixty books.
Petar Jandric is Professor of Digital Learning and Programme Director of BSc (Informatics) at the University of Applied Sciences in Zagreb (Croatia), and he is also Visiting Associate Professor at the University of Zagreb (Croatia). His research interests are focused on the intersections between critical pedagogy and digital cultures.