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Wer wird Cosplay Millionär?
29.11.2024 um 19:30 Uhr
Apple Brown Betty
von Phillip Thomas Duck
Verlag: Harlequin
E-Book / EPUB
Kopierschutz: Adobe DRM

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ISBN: 978-1-4268-0066-5
Auflage: Original
Erschienen am 01.04.2007
Sprache: Englisch

Preis: 4,92 €

4,92 €

Freelance magazine writer Cydney Williams is excited to review a newrestaurant that's helping to revitalize her hardscrabble New Jersey hometown,especially when she meets the owner. Restaurateur Desmond Rucker is asdelicious and seductive as the rich desserts created in his kitchen, and theinstant connection between them feels right and real. Too bad not everyoneis happy about it.
Cydney has worked hard to get ahead at college and at her job, but she'sworked hardest of all to keep her family from shattering what she's socarefully built. Cydney loves her Momma, no question, but watching the oncebeautiful and vibrant Nan Williams sink deeper and deeper into addiction ismore than she can bear.
Cydney's brother, Shammond Slay, is another story. Handsome, charismaticShammond was once a promising athlete. Now he's living a lavish lifestylewith no visible means of support...and whatever is behind it can't belegal. To Cydney, her brother is two different people: protective, generousShammond, and destructive street-thug Slay. Like Cydney, he's a damagedsoul, but unlike his sister, he's not willing to let go of his bitterness, or hisfamily. And now, with everything Cydney cares about on the line, she'll haveto face secrets, betrayals and the consequences of her own choices beforeshe can claim the new life and sweet love she's always wanted....