Title first published in 2003. In commemoration of the philosophical interests of Stanley Victor Keeling, the annual lectures in his memory highlight the interest and importance of ancient philosophy for contemporary study of the subject. This volume brings together the Keeling lectures from leading international figures in ancient and modern philosophy, presented between 1992 and 2002. Including contributions from Bernard Williams and Martha Nussbaum, lectures range across topics such as 'Intrinsic Goodness', Necessity, Fate and Determinism and Quality of Life, extending from Plato through Aristotle to the Stoics. Edited and with a preface by R. W. Sharples.
Contents: Preface; Plato's construction of intrinsic goodness, Bernard Williams (1997); Morality and immutability: a Platonic contribution to meta-ethics, T. H. Irwin (1996); Quality of life in Plato and Aristotle, Gÿnther Patzig (1992); Do we need new editions of ancient philosophy?, Jacques Brunschwig (1995); Aristotle and the Atomists on forms and final causes, David Furley (1994); An Aristotelian theory of the emotions, John M. Cooper (1993); Wittgenstein's builders and Aristotle's craftsmen, David Charles (2001); From necessity to fate: a fallacy?, Sarah Broadie (1999); Compassion and terror, Martha Nussbaum (2002); Index.