The accelerating technological transformation in learn- ing has necessitated an ability to search and differentiate among the one billion web pages, libraries, databases, books, newspapers, magazines, radio and television stations, and opinion columns available online
Part I Social and Technological Trends; Academia and Access to Knowledge in the 21st Century; Knowtopia The Futures of the University; Learning in a Dignitarian World; Universities of the Future: Education for Citizen Leadership; Part II Governance and Finance; Governing Values for Future Universities; Mapping Future Higher Education; Glass Slippers and Glass Ceilings: Gender Equity, Governance, and Transformation in Higher Education; Leadership at the Intersect: New Forms of Governance to Oversee New Form of Higher Education; Governing the Universities of the Future; Conclusion The Global Learning Academy; Part III Appendix; Visions of the Futures of Higher Education; News and Views; Toda Institute Annual Report 2005; Peace Poetry; We Came Whirling by Jalal al-Din Rumi (1207-1273); Love by Jalal al-Din Rumi (1207-1273)