This book examines automation and human performance from the dual perspective of theory-driven approach and multiple domains of application. It covers both practical and theoretical aspects of human factors in transportation, with an emphasis on their interaction.
Parasuraman, Raja; Mouloua, Mustapha
Contents: B.H. Kantowitz, Series Foreword. Foreword. Preface. Part I:Theories and Major Concepts.D.D. Woods, Decomposing Automation: Apparent Simplicity, Real Complexity. V. Riley, Operator Reliance on Automation: Theory and Data. M.W. Scerbo, Theoretical Perspectives on Adaptive Automation. J.M. Flach, K.B. Bennett, A Theoretical Framework for Representational Design. Part II:Assessment of Human Performance in Automated Systems.R. Parasuraman, M. Mouloua, R. Molloy, B. Hilburn, Monitoring of Automated Systems. B.H. Kantowitz, J.L. Campbell, Pilot Workload and Flightdeck Automation. A.F. Kramer, L.J. Trejo, D.G. Humphrey, Psychophysiological Measures of Workload: Potential Applications to Adaptively Automated Systems. M.R. Endsley, Automation and Situation Awareness. J.S. Warm, W.N. Dember, P.A. Hancock, Vigilance and Workload in Automated Systems. K.L. Mosier, L.J. Skitka, Human Decision Makers and Automated Decision Aids: Made for Each Other? B.G. Coury, R.D. Semmel, Supervisory Control and the Design of Intelligent User Interfaces. C.A. Bowers, R.L. Oser, E. Salas, J.A. Cannon-Bowers, Team Performance in Automated Systems. Part III:Applications.N.B. Sarter, Cockpit Automation: From Quantity and Quality, From Individual Pilot to Multiple Agents. W.H. Rogers, P.C. Schutte, K.A. Latorella, Fault Management in Aviation Systems. V.D. Hopkin, J.A. Wise, Human Factors in Air Traffic System Automation. P.A. Hancock, R. Parasuraman, E.A. Byrne, Driver-Centered Issues in Advanced Automation for Motor Vehicles. J.D. Lee, T.F. Sanquist, Maritime Automation. S. Guerlain, P.J. Smith, J.W. Smith, S. Rudmann, J. Heintz Obradovich, P. Strohm, Decision Support in Medical Systems. C.G. Drury, Automation in Quality Control and Maintenance. N. Meshkati, Organizational and Safety Factors in Autom