Cornelia E. Dowling, Fred S. Roberts, Peter Theuns
This volume brings together outstanding researchers from around the world whose mathematical psychological approach adds rigor and specificity to our models of behavioral phenomena. For experimental psychologists, particularly mathematical psychologists.
Contents: Part I:Measurement, Decision and Choice.P. Fishburn, Utility of Wealth in Nonlinear Utility Theory. R. Janssens, Structuring Complex Concepts. F.S. Roberts, Role Assignments and Indifference Graphs. Part II:Psychophysics and Psychometrics.T. Indow, Parallel Shift of Judgment Characteristic Curve According to the Context in Cutaneous and Color Discriminations. G. Storms, A Maximum Likelihood Model for Psychophysical Data and Response Times. A.H.G.S. Van der Ven, Inhibition Theory and the Concept of Perseveration. M. D'Zmura, G. Iverson, A Formal Approach to Color Constancy: The Recovery of Surface and Light Source Spectral Properties Using Bilinear Models. Part III:Knowledge Representation.C.E. Dowling, C. Hockemeyer, Computing the Intersection of Knowledge Spaces Using Only Their Bases. J-C. Falmagne, J-P. Doignon, Meshing Knowledge Structures. K. Lakshminarayan, F. Gilson, An Application of a Stochastic Knowledge Structure Model. P. Theuns, Building a Knowledge Space Via Boolean Analysis of Co-occurence Data. Part IV:Learning Models.J.N. Rouder, W.H. Batchelder, Multinomial Models for Measuring Storage and Retrieval Processes in Paired Associate Learning. P. Suppes, L. Liang, Concept Learning Rates and Transfer Performance of Several Multivariate Neural Network Models. Part V:Cognitive Modeling.V. Brown, Comparing Parallel and Sequential Multinomial Models of Letter Identification. H. Feger, U. von Hecker, Reciprocity as an Interaction Principle. R. Schweikert, J. Mounts, Additive Effects of Factors on Reaction Time and Evoked Potentials in Continuous Flow Models.