Acknowledgments, 1 Background, 2 The Phonetics of Contour Tones, 3 Empirical Predictions of Different Approaches, 4 The Role of Contrast-Specific Phonetics in Contour Tone Distribution: A Survey, 5 The Role of Language-Specific Phonetics in Contour Tone Distribution: Instrumental Studies, 6 Against Structure-Only Alternatives, 7 A Phonetically-Driven Optimality-Theoretic Approach, 8 Case Studies, 9 Conclusion, Appendix: Data Sources for Languages in the Survey, References, Index
First Published in 2002. Part of the Outstanding Dissertations in Linguistics series, this is an in-depth investigation of the effects of duration and sonority on contour tone distribution. The term "tone language" usually refers to languages in which the pitch of a syllable serves lexical or grammatical functions. In some tone languages, the contrastive functions of pitch are sometimes played by pitch changes within a syllable. Pitch changes of this kind are called contour tones. The distribution of contour tones in a language, are when under what phonological contexts contour tones are more readily realized.
Dr. Jie Zhang is Professor of Special Education at State University of New York (SUNY) Brockport. She left Shanghai, China to pursue her lifelong dream to become a teacher and earned PhD in Exceptional Learning from Tennessee Technological University. Her research focuses on the efficacy of interventions for children with disabilities, services for children with diverse cultural and linguistic backgrounds and their families, and Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL) in higher education, especially as related to pedagogy and assessments. She has published 31 peer-reviewed journal articles at the national/international level, four book chapters, 85 conference presentations and 21 invited presentations at the national/international level. Dr. Zhang received SUNY Chancellor's Award for Excellence in Teaching, Open SUNY Online Teaching Ambassador Award, Outstanding Academic Advising Award, and the Inaugural Outstanding Global Engagement Award from SUNY Brockport.