Dr Yasir Ali has considerable experience in many aspects of river engineering gained during 14 years of practice. His main expertise is in river hydraulics and river morphodynamics gained through his involvement in projects dealing with river morphology. Dr Ali played a major role in field investigations and hydrographic surveys throughout his years of involvement in applied research. He gained a strong theoretical background during his M.Sc. study and Ph.D research in the Netherlands. He worked on hydrodynamic modeling for the entire Blue Nile River, from Lake Tana to Khartoum, using the Delft Sobek software. In 2009, Dr Ali conducted a trans-boundary bathymetric survey along the Blue Nile River in both Ethiopia and Sudan, sampling bed levels and suspended sediment. He worked in the Watershed Management Program under the Eastern Nile Model Program (ENMP) in the Eastern Nile Regional and Technical Office (ENTRO), from April 2012-July 2012, Addis Ababa (Ethiopia).