This volume explores the themes of maritime strategy and naval power in the Mediterranean: migration, the environment, technology, economic power, international politics and law, and calculations of naval strength and diplomatic manoeuvre.
Nautical Magazine, March 2000
"Overall the book is extremely well documented, and offers historians valuable information into the history of the Mediterranean Sea. Each author has given a different perspective into strategy and sea power. This book is packed full of important dates in our history. From the past to the present and more importantly the future. Thoroughly readable and a must for students of strategy, I strongly recommend it."
The Marnier"s Mirror
"an important addition to the study of maritime affairs in the Mediterranean, touching on a wide variety of topics in a very readable style. Hattendorf effectively manages to weave a variety of subjects (and writers) into a mosiac that offers a clear picture od a key area both historically and for the twenty-first century"
The Northern Marnier
"this is a very fine collection that has been masterfully edited"
Mediterranean Politics
"each of the authors has provided an authoritative, and without exception, lucid account. It is rewarding to find a large book where the standard of literacy is uniformly high...the illustrations...are quite superb and help make the book worth every penny.